Last week tonight s07e21-22*'
Star trek lower decks s01e03*'
Corporate s03e05**
Harry Hills world of TV s01e01' (watched for Harry Hill, not that funny)
Belgravia s01e01-06** (a Downton surrogate, right down to the music - entertaining)
Our girl s05e01-06* (better than last season)
Manhunt s01e01-08** (an interesting series)
Manhunt s02e01-10* (not as well done as the first season)
Devils s01e01-10* (started off really slow, then got interesting, then the ending was meh)
Putin a Russian spy story s01e01-03*' (an interesting take)
Lucifer s05e01-08**
Deathstroke knights dragons (2020)*' (Deathstroke as a good guy is odd)
Tesla (2020)* (unusually stylish, don't think it helped but seemed required, otherwise it'd be about 10mins long)
Cowboy Bebob the movie (2001)* (forgot to watch this along with the series, not as good)
Elementary s07e01-13* (meh)
Pure UK s01e03-06' (wasn't as interesting as the first two episodes)
Designated survivor s02e01-22* (half way to the west wing, with a crap Maggie Q storyline)
Designated survivor s03e01-10*' (better than season 2 - also the unnecessary Maggie Q storyline finally ends)