

Accident man (2018)** (I decided to watch a bunch of movies today - this was quite good. Decent action, some humour, plenty of 'ass-kicking'. Very simple but it doesn't need to be for it be good. Recommended)
Upgrade (2018)*' (Most movies genres can gloss over detail, but sci-fi movies cannot. It is a bit of stretch to believe that a chip with about six connects can control a persons body and can contain an AI capable of a very unnecessary convoluted plan. Still, not the worst of this type of movie.)
Patient Zero (2018)' (Not sure how to feel about this - its rife with bad accents which were distracting. Its also full of cliches. Got through it though, only to see answers which never came - this I believe would work great as a TV show.)
Skyscraper (2018) (This was not great, plenty of action, but so riddled with plot holes and conveniences. Actually got boring half way through.)

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